Thursday 8 July 2010


With my design in place and knowing what particular objects would appear in my mechanism, I now needed to research them in order to know their shapes, sizes, and how easily or difficult they would be to animate. This would help the smoothness of my workflow and help to identify potential bugs and glitches. Anything that didn’t work out at this stage would be omitted and I would find an alternative. I only eventually came across one problem (which will be revealed later), and it wasn’t even a crucial one, with an easy fix.

The most central objects of my mechanism are a billiards table, balancing scales, half-pipes, and coils. I had planned for an egg-timer to make an appearance in which it would initiate the sequence by the hands on the clock turning and knocking the ball, but it seemed unnecessary as the sequence looked fine with the ball just moving on its own.

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